Saturday 10 May 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Motherhood..................the biggest celebration of life for a woman

I don't know where were you before,
You came to my life,
You called me "mom",
And filled me with your love galore.

You made me complete,
You taught me to love unconditionally,
You made me responsible,
And I realized it a bit later that,
You made my life more meaningful.

I was a daughter and of course I loved my mom,
But you helped me to understand her better,
You made me to realize the meanings in her silence,
When a single word, she doesn't even utter.

Your smile, your innocence, your sweet voice
Has sweetened my life with lots of joy,
Motherhood has become another word for celebration,
With a new petal of flower, full of colors, added to my life
as the days passed by..............!!!!!!!!!!

I Wish all the wonderful women...........

My cutie pie celebrating his third birthday........

Watching your child growing day by day is the most beautiful and satisfying experience. Our world filled with lots of joy and happiness on 28th Dec 2010 and took us on cloud nine when our cutie pie came into our life and changed it forever. Today I am celebrating 3rd year of blissful motherhood. I wish you a very happy birthday Atman.............Love you.....!!!!

Tiny sparkling eyes,
Cute little fingers,
U came to our life and sparkled it.

Time flew and one day you called me 'Mamma',
The sweetest word I could remember,
And the day came when you took your first step,
And we celebrated your first birthday.

Days and nights passed with new experiences,
Sometimes naughty and sometimes sweet,
"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" became his favorite rhyme,
And twinkled his days and nights and he turned two.

Now tricycle has given its place to bicycle,
Balloons are everywhere, cake is ready,
Friends are singing "Happy Birthday"
And Atman is very happy in his new birthday dress,
Oh its really hard to believe that my sweet little baby
Is celebrating his 3rd birthday..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Atman............Loads of love..........