Wednesday 2 January 2013

When I got the news.......

It was a bright sunny summer morning and I was alone at home as my hubby was touring. I wake up fresh and went out in the balcony. Suddenly I felt something and that was very different and unusual which I had never felt earlier. I told this to my hubby on phone and he didn't take it seriously. But I had some intuition that something new is happening. This feeling had certainly some connection with divinity.(I consider this realization of life into a woman's body as a sacred and divine event.) And so I went to visit my doctor and what she said is still ringing in my ear, "You are going to be a mother".
And i couldn't stop myself and started jumping with joy. Then immediately she told me to be careful. And then I realized that my well being was so important for my cutie pie.........and from that day, the lazy and unorganized person like me who had never thought of taking care of herself, had started taking the maximum possible care, as only a healthy mom can give birth to a healthy baby............ I couldn't sleep that night because I was just thinking about my baby........